Responsible for the content of this website is Rula Centa S.L., which can be reached directly via the contact details below.
Rula Centa S.L.
Avenida Peguera 5
07160 Peguera
Mallorca, España
Teléfono +34 638 130 404
E-Mail info@senor-tapas.com
C.I.F. número: B57935082
© 2021 Senor Tapas | Rula Centa S.L.
The Senor Tapas logo and brand name are protected trademarks. Any private and/or commercial use not expressly authorised in writing by the management of Rula Centa S.L. as owner of the rights is not permitted.
Design and programming: 3c4y Graphic Design London/Berlin
The image rights to the images shown on this website are held exclusively by the respective rights holders and/or Senor Tapas | Rula Centa S.L.. All images, texts and the design of this website are protected by copyright and serve exclusively to inform our customers and interested parties. Any private and/or commercial use and integration, in part or in whole, online or offline, in print media, social media and/or electronic media, as well as the transfer to third parties is not permitted without permission and requires in each individual case the express written consent of Senor Tapas | Rula Centa S.L., Mallorca, España.
The information you provide, such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and other details, will only be used by us to communicate with you and will never be passed on to third parties. For more information, please see our privacy police on this website.
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their content. Access and use of such websites is at the user's own risk.
Version 21.06.2021